Proficient Python coder with a profound understanding of statistics & machine learning algorithms. Well-versed in the design, development, deployment, monitoring and maintenance of complex machine learning systems. Experienced with leading machine learning projects and managing engineering teams. I'm particularly interested in computer vision, self-supervised representation learning, MLOps, and Bayesian methods. I have worn many hats, having worked for a consultancy boutique, an AI startup, a software house, and a large enterprise.

Currently an ML Engineering Manager at Solera. Previously at Tooploox, Cosmose AI, and Veneficus. I teach data science and machine learning at DataCamp to over 20k students and write a blog with over 2.5k followers.

Obtained my MSc in Econometrics from Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands and my BSc in Quantitative Methods in Economics & Information Systems from Warsaw School of Economics, Poland. My master's thesis project involved forecasting with a collection of very short time series. The resulting R package is available on CRAN.

Flag   Moim ojczystym językiem jest polski.
Flag   I have passed Cambridge CPE with grade A.
Flag   Ich habe das Sprachzertifikat in Wirtschafts- un Allgemein Deutsch bestanden.
Flag   He completado un curso de español de nivel avanzado.
Flag   Toen ik in Nederland woonde, leerde ik een beetje Nederlands.

Whenever I can spare some time, I go mountain hiking. I am currently on a quest to climb the highest peak of each of the 47 European countries. I also like to travel and take photos on the way.